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Tire dealers Tire dealers and tire dealers again.

With more than forty years of experience in the field of truck tyres.

From conventional textile woods to new generation radials.

From trilex levers to automated tire changers and when the “bottle” lift required Hulk’s arms to lift a truck, not to mention cross wrenches… Damn.

We’ve done it and we’ve come a long way!!! Over time we have evolved, we have grown and today we boast a vast coverage in every field of roadside assistance, a 360° coordination centre!!

Whether tire assistance, mechanical assistance or towing service is needed, we are always ready, with a lot of experience always willingly put at the service and available to our customer friends.

Certainly when there were no cell phones and the internet to resolve an emergency, the means and methods, not to mention the times, were very different but if we haven’t left anyone on the street since 1972, it means that in addition to the great commitment, perhaps there is of the other too. Well, day after day, like the most patient of spiders, we have also created our network which today boasts an army of over 1850 Dealers!!

On the motorway network, the very close collaboration with the authorized ACI, VAI, EUROP ASSISTANCE, ESA and IMASERVICE with 662 assistance points homogeneously distributed throughout the Italian territory, places us on the market as the leading corporation both in terms of density and quality.

We are now also active on European territory thanks to the partnerships made with our counterparts across the Alps.

According to our statistics, 78% of stops, whether for depannage, breakdown or due to an accident, occur on motorway roads and we know well that one rarely has the possibility of stopping in a lay-by or service area, on the contrary very often assistance is necessary in the emergency lane or even in a tunnel… to operate on the motorway you therefore necessarily need expert hands, strong nerves and responsible and capable people who tend towards excellence