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In Italy, the spread of electric transport vehicles is slow but steadily growing, aiming to reduce CO2 and promote environmental sustainability in the transport sector, with a particular focus on heavy transport. Electric trucks offer significant advantages such as eliminating exhaust emissions, reducing noise, and lower long-term operating costs.

Current Market Status

Some companies have already started incorporating electric trucks into their fleets, especially for urban deliveries and short-range operations, where they can make the most of the
benefits of electric propulsion.

Incentives and Government Policies

The Italian government is implementing various measures to encourage the adoption of electric trucks. These include tax incentives, subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles, and funding programs for developing charging infrastructure.

Charging Infrastructure

One of the main challenges regarding the spread of electric and hybrid trucks in Italy is the lack of a widespread charging infrastructure network, the so-called “colonnine” (electric vehicle charging station). Currently, charging stations are mainly concentrated in urban areas and along major roadways. To support the wider adoption of electric trucks, this network needs to be expanded to cover rural areas and heavy transport routes.

Innovations and Future Developments

Innovations mainly focus on new batteries that promise greater energy density, shorter charging times, and lower replacement costs. Every effort towards sustainability also emphasizes professional growth through the use of cutting-edge technologies.