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Our experience at TRANSPOTEC LOGITEC was extremely positive.

It was as if the schedules of all the executives and entrepreneurs in the transport sector had synchronized, and we had the exciting pleasure of talking to many, many market players, both national and international. It was wonderful to see the green developments in our sector. All the manufacturers of road tractors brought their electric vehicles to the fair—600 HP beasts powered by battery packs the size of a dining table. Our neighbors from Costantin S.p.A. impressed us with their product, HVO, hydrogenated vegetable oil, a biofuel capable of replacing diesel.

There are many innovations, but in addition to these, we met many old and new friends. We listened to their feedback on our service and are pleased that it works, but we also have a strong desire to do more and do better. Being present at Transpotec this year represented both a new starting point for us and the culmination of the transformation and internationalization journey our company has undergone in recent months which we discussed in the previous issue of our newsletter.

he outcome of this fair cannot be expressed solely in the number of business cards collected. Just being there gives us new vitality for all our future projects and makes us realize that the path we are on is the right one. The new challenges are many, but for us at SOS Tyres International, every challenge is fuel to go further and further.